Participants - Participantes 2018


Haydee Hernando - Solcire Wicca


Es la actual presidenta de la UNIÓN NEOPAGANA VENEZOLANA y Sacerdotisa del Coven Estrella del Norte de tradición familiar de brujería de cerco.


Desde temprana edad comienza su búsqueda espiritual desde el seno familiar con la magia natural y las enseñanzas de la antigua religión, así como también a otros horizontes. Compartiendo con otras culturas tradicionales, wicca, chamanismo y alta magia, fue ampliando su conocimiento en las artes, un camino que jamás termina y le enamora cada día.


Su dedicación con el trabajo de la magia ancestral busca unir los hilos que conectan a cada ser al propósito de veneración y práctica de las distintas manifestaciones de la magia; hacer más delgadas las diferencias y trabajar por un mismo fin.


“El rescate de las antiguas tradiciones es un trabajo colectivo donde no se le puede dar cabida al ego. La naturaleza y nuestros dioses nos guían en cada paso para seguir en su senda hacia el crecimiento y la evolución espiritual”.


Redes Sociales @solcire_wicca


Freya Aswynn


I was born in Holland in November 1949 to a strict, Roman Catholic family. As a child I displayed natural psychic abilities, and this, combined with my reactions to a hostile family environment and subjected to serious physical, mental as well as some sexual abuse, which was not recognized by the system as it was then, prompted the official diagnosis that I was maladjusted’.

Entrusted to the so-called ‘care’ system, I was institutionalized for nine years. From the age of ten to the age of nineteen.


My intelligence, combined with a capacity for aggressive self-assertion, allowed me to emerge from this ordeal more or less psychologically unscathed at the age of 19. Deprived of any secondary education, I resorted to taking on cleaning work, until I met and married my first husband, George.

Somewhat older in years, George introduced me to the basics of philosophy (particularly the works of Friedrich Nietzsche) and classical music, predominantly Richard Wagner. He also was the first person who ever spoke to me about the esoteric nature of the runes. Sadly, after two years of marriage, George died of cancer; but he left me with a pension that, for the first time, gave me a measure of financial independence.


Determined now to make good my lack of learning, I taught myself English and German by means of books and tapes.


At the same time, I took an interest in the development of my long-suppressed psychic gifts. I received my first paranormal training in a spiritualist environ-ment, and from there progressed to the study of Rosicrucianism, Astrology, Cabbala and Thelema. At the age of 30, I felt unable to progress further in Holland and left for England, where I was soon recognized by prominent magicians and witches as a natural.


With their help and training, I was initiated into the mysteries and made rapid progress as a ritual magician and High Priestess.


I was initiated into Wicca by Jim Bennet under the supervision of Alex Sanders in 1980, I then in April that year got involved with a Gardnerian coven and from there formed my own coven with the High Priest Lionel Hornby. This coven was active for a number of years.


The next major turning point for me was a life-changing spiritual and magical experience: an intense, spontaneous invocation of the God Woden. I took this to be a calling to open up the Northern pathway, which until then, was virtually non-existent within the occult community.


I embarked on an intensive study of the runes and began work on my first book, “Leaves of Yggdrasil” (revised and updated in 1998 under the title, “Northern Mysteries and Magick”) Within Pagan circles, this initiative was at first viewed with scepticism and suspicion as to whether I had a covert political agenda (which at that time was often the case with some Odinists).


I soon overcame these perceptions and won the respect and affection of the majority of the Pagan and occult community.


Over the last 14 years I have been extensively involved with lecturing and giving talks all over the world. It was my great fortune to become acquainted with ‘Hrafnar’, a women’s Asatru group where I was taught Seidhr or Spea craft. I have many loving friends in the US.


On a social level, realizing that I was not suited to living in a normal nuclear family, I became actively involved in 1981 with a community of which I was a founding member and ran for a number of years as Managing Director, together with my partner Lionel Hornby and a good friend, a well known pagan-friendly Jewish feminist-activist and a supporter of gay and bisexual rights.


In 1993 I decided to choose a celibate path, for my own spiritual reasons.


After Lionel’s death in 1994, I sold the house and with my share I bought a large farmhouse in Scotland in 1996.


I founded another community named “Gladsheim”. initially rather unsuccessful due to errors of judgment leading to me being ripped off, I soon pulled it around with the help of friends within the Scottish Pagan community, and as of now (1998/1999) Gladsheim is on the road to success once more. Gladsheim is open to contributing visitors by prior arrangement, however no bums, freeloaders or druggies, I have had enough of them. In 2005 I moved to Southern Spain.


in 1993 I had started up a UK branch of the Ring of Troth, originally an American organization founded by Edred Thorsson and James Chisholm. The UK branch soon attracted members in other European countries and, re-named the Ring of Troth Europe, rapidly became a successful and progressive Northern Tradition group. Having led this organization as Steerswoman for a number of years, I recently stepped down from this role and other positions of power.


I now concentrate on teaching and guiding as an Elder in the Ring of Troth and am actively ‘on call’ to members for advice and counsel when required. I am in the process of setting up a facility for rune readings on the net,


I also run a correspondence course, which at present is being updated: Runes and Northern Mysteries Course.


I have just completed another book ‘Principles of the Runes’, it will be available from my shop   when this site goes live.


Apart from working on my site, I also have taken up painting. These  paintings are elsewhere on the site. Freya’ s Rune Paintings.




Marta Ruescas  (Madrid, 1.971)


Licenciada en Filología Alemana por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid en 1.998.


Diplomada en Filología Inglesa por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid en 1.998.


Lectora incansable desde niña. Leía todo lo que caía en mis manos que tiene que ver con el esoterismo, brujería, magia y parapsicología.


Desde hace mucho tiempo estudio apasionadamente el folklore europeo y continúo con mis estudios esotéricos. No olvidemos que la brujería tradicional se basa en un corpus esotérico-iniciático.


Autora de artículos en revistas especializadas en temática de misterio y esoterismo como Año Cero y Más Allá de la Ciencia, entre otras.


Colaboradora habitual del canal de Youtube, Mundo Desconocido, aportando artículos, participando en entrevistas y acompañando al equipo a los viajes de conocimiento que realizan alrededor del mundo.


Practico la brujería desde que era una niña. Durante mis años de juventud solamente en el ámbito personal y dedicándome profesionalmente a ella desde el año 2013, año en que abro La Tienda del Misterio, tienda online dedicada a la venta de artículos relacionados con el misterio y donde atiendo a personas para ayudarlas a armonizar su vida dedicándome al oficio de la brujería.


Mi formación en el tema ha sido totalmente autodidacta. Muchos años de estudio, lecturas infinitas y mi mayor maestra, la práctica.



Escribo en el blog Brujería del Cerco, menos de lo que yo quisiera debido a mi intensa actividad profesional. Me encantaría poder dedicarle más tiempo y espero que muy pronto pueda hacerlo.ía-del-Cerco-218601338228619/



Seth David Rodriguez


a practising Witch and Occultist his entire adult life and for most of his teens, since beginning his journey in the late 90's. An initiated Priest of both Alexandrian and Gardnerian lineages of the Craft, his interests in the spiritual and magical are many and varied. Seth is a self-taught artist who enjoys painting with acrylics and is currently working on completing his own occult themed oracle deck.


Seth works as a professional Tarot reader and is also a qualified make up artist with a BA degree in Religion and Theology from the University of Manchester. He has been making Youtube videos for many years and can be found on the channel Rodriguez Mystic. Seth lives in Manchester, UK."




Rosemary Stehlik (Rosmarinus)


 is a Living Work of Art in Perpetual Motion~ Oneiromantic Huntress of the NIGHT; Multidimensional Artist, Occultist, Priestess, & Witch, Shadow Worker, Fine Arts Visionary, Intergalactic Creatrix of Sight Sound and Movement, Thelemic Priestess, Astrologer, Iconoclast, New Aeon Futurist, Occult Practitioner, Conduit of the Mysteries, Shaolin Martial Artist, and overall Oracular Warrioress.


Rosmarinus Stehlik is an Initiate of Many Secret Orders and Eclectic Paths spanning over two decades; she has seasoned experience unfolding within diverse Magickal contexts~ including Honoured placements of Leadership and Practicum in Realms of The O.T.O, The F.O.I Oasis of the Temple Auset Serpentarius, The Multifarious Path of Witchcraft, Devotee of the Luciferian Current and Practitioner of Shaolin Kung FU as Student of 35th Generation Shaolin disciple Shi Chang Dao and First Assistant Instructor at the Shaolin Temple Quanfa Institute.


A Member of the International Association of Artists of Imagination exhibiting her Fine Art, Internationally. Occult Integrity, Visionary Spirituality, Cosmick Consciousness and living by Thelemic Philosophies are but a few aspects that are of primary importance to her, with a Vision of Reverence, and Fierce Agape at its centre. Rosmarinus Stehlik is a Multidisciplinary Artist and Graduate of McMaster University in Canada, holding two Honours B.A Degrees in Fine Arts and Art History, respectively; with a minor degree in Religious Studies- specializing in Cross-Cultural Spirituality, Feminist Witchcraft, Transpersonal Mysticism, Astrology and the Tarot.




Georgi Mishev


PhD, born 1982, is a Bulgarian author and researcher in ancient culture and religion of the Mediterranean world and especially in magic practices, rituals and ancient relics in the folklore of the Balkan people.


He has a bachelor's degree in Russian and German language, master's degree in Preservation of the cultural-historical heritage in the Republic of Bulgaria (master's thesis on the subject Thracian material and immaterial cultural-historical heritage in the region of Thracian cult centre Starosel) and doctoral degree in the field of cultural-historical heritage (PhD thesis on the subject Bulgarian traditional culture as an information resource about the magica in ancient Southeastern Europe). 


The scholar knowledge of G. Mishev is enriched by his personal observations and conversations with magical practitioners in Bulgaria today. Because of his education - Russian and German philology, he is familiar with the written magical rituals of a number of Slavic and Germanic peoples. A tremendous contribution to his understanding of the ancient magical traditions and especially the Greek Magical Papyri was the seminar 'Ancient magical formulae' of Prof. Johann Tischler at the Dresden University of Technology, Germany in 2003/2004 and during the same period emerged his interest about Hittite ritual practices used later for comparative research of the Thracian culture.


Danu Forest 


Ever since I was a very small child, I have held a deep love of spirit and have always been aware of, and able to interact with otherworldly beings, nature spirits, faeries, as well as ancestors, ghosts and other things. I was fortunate enough to be raised in a family of psychics and seers, (although many of them would not call themselves that) and as I was surrounded by tales of my families supernatural experiences my own were in turn accepted and seen as nothing unusual.  


My first deep experiences of nature spirits in particular consciously began as a four year old when I undertook  instruction by an apple tree spirit in my grandmothers back garden. I can still remember much of his words, and his advice and wisdom has stood the test of decades. This gift, I would later discover was called the ‘second sight’ or ‘Seership’, by my Celtic ancestors. By the time I was eighteen I joined an Old Craft coven, where I underwent my three initiations, emerging at twenty as a third degree priestess.


During this time I studied Gardnerian and Qaballistic magic and the Northern Tradition as well as the Old Craft, but my personal studies of the Celtic traditions continued unabated and developed into a deeply earth based Celtic 'shamanic' personal practice that encompassed much of what is now considered to be the Faery faith; working closely with the powers of the land and our otherworldly cousins. I also began to work with nature spirits for healing, using old ‘cunning man’, druidic and shamanic techniques in the making of flower and vibrational essences, herbal and elemental talismans etc.


I have now been practicing for over 30 years, and while I have been teaching and offering healings and readings now for over 20 years I have continued to undertake training from a vast range of sources, from Shamanism and healing, to history archaeology and academia, including an MA in Celtic studies. I have also now published several books and become a prolific writer and storyteller. It is my pleasure and honour to be of service to the path.





Ossian D'Ambrosio



Ossian, President of the Antica Quercia cultural association, writes and publishes the magazine "Vento tra le fronde" which deals with Celtic culture and spirituality, creator of the first national convention on witchcraft and Druidism and artistic director of the Festival of Beltane organized by the Anticaquercia . For years he has been dealing with modern Druidism and in 2008 he founded the Italian Druidic Circle.


Shamanism student at the FFSS. He edited the "Quaderni Bardici" and "Il Calendario Druidico" published by Anticaquercia, in 2011 he wrote "Ogham-short guide to the druidic symbology to communicate with the spirits of the trees" published by Anticaquercia and in 2013 "La via delle Querce" -introduction to modern Druidism "published by Psyche 2. Collaborator of the" Mystery " Tv Show on Italia 1 and is articulist in the paper magazine Mistero and Sirio magazine.In 2014 he was awarded by Caroline Wise as Italian Archdruid of the Druid Clan of Dana of the Fellowship of Isis based in Ireland.




Emily Carding


is an internationally renowned reader and creator of Tarot and Oracles, as well as an author of esoteric works and a creator and performer of theatre. She has been reading Tarot for over twenty years and creating decks since 2006, when she finished work on The Tarot of the Sidhe. She went on to create the groundbreaking Transparent Tarot, which is the first ever Tarot Deck designed to be read in layers, followed by the Transparent Oracle, which combines shamanic elements, western mystery tradition and Hermeticism. Readings with all these decks are available for the first time online as email readings from the creator herself!


Emily Carding has also created The Simple Wisdom of the Household Dog , The Tarot of the Black Mountain and is the author of Faery Craft (Llewellyn 2012)




Christian Ortiz, Ph.D.


Psicólogo y psicoterapeuta, Master en religiones comparadas, Doctor en Filosofía de la Religión, Sacerdote de la Diosa y Coordinador de la Fraternidad de la Diosa, Kourete de la tradición Diánica de Z. Budapest. Es miembro de la Fellowship of Isis (FOI), Conferenciante de la Goddess Conference, Certificado en sensibilización en Género (INMUJERES), Especialista y diplomado en prevención y atención de Violencia (UCC - ELPAC). Conductor del programa SABER SANAR.


Psychologist and Psychotherapist, Master in Comparative Religions, PhD in Philosophy of Religion, Priest of the Goddess and Coordinator of the Fraternity of the Goddess, Kourete of the Dianic Tradition of Z. Budapest. He is a member of the Fellowship of Isis (FOI), Lecturer of the Goddess Conference, Certificate in Gender Awareness (INMUJERES), Certified specialist in Attention and Prevention of Violence (UCC - ELPAC). Host of the SABER SANAR program.




Sorita d’Este 


has been experimenting with ways of walking on the liminal since she was a child, exploring along the way many pathways of experiencing magic, mysticism and religion.  Her own personal practice integrates aspects of Hellenic (Greek), Egyptian and Hermetic practices with a lived Orphic inspired philosophy, and experience gained in Initiatory Craft, traditions preserved in Italian, French and British grimoires and other contemporary esoteric teachings of the East and West.


She has been teaching and writing on magic, folklore and religion for more than 20 years during which her work has been published in both mainstream and community magazines, websites and books. Her published work includes Circle for Hekate (Vol.1 & 2); Practical Elemental Magick (2008); Visions of the Cailleach (2009), Hekate Liminal Rites (2009); The Cosmic Shekinah and Artemis (2006).  


When she is not writing or researching obscure subjects, she can usually be found digging in the garden, making a mess in the kitchen or conjuring something in the temple or enjoying the company of her son, family or friends. Having lived in Cape Town (South Africa) as a child, she moved to London in 1995.  She currently lives on a hill in Glastonbury, Somerset from where she runs the independent esoteric publishers Avalonia ( which she founded in 2005.




Lucya Starza


Lucya Starza is an eclectic witch living in London, England, in a rambling old house with her husband and cats. She is the author of Pagan Portals - Candle Magic and Pagan Portals - Poppets and Magical Dolls. She also edited the community book Every Day Magic - A Pagan Book of Days and contributed to Naming the Goddess, Essays in Contemporary Paganism and Paganism 101. As Lucya Szachnowski, she co-wrote Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game supplements and scenarios published by Chaosium including The London Guidebook, Day of the Beast, Strange Aeons and Before the Fall. You can find her daily postings on A Bad Witch's Blog at



Ness Bosch


Founder and Mentor of the Clan of the Bones Whisperer (La Huesera): Shamanic Mysteries of the Feminine © and the Clan of the Sons of Thunder: Shamanic Mysteries of the Masculine ©. Founder and Mentor of the Path of the Moon: Shamanic Healing Techniques. She is Sun Dancer, Carrier of Canunpa (Sacred Pipe) and holds a Buffalo Horn. Founder of her own Shamanic Medicine School she has developed the Technique of Shamanic Records to heal Past Lives and The Shamanic Rainbow Reiki System.


Witch, Sea Priestess; Founder and Head of the Temple of the Waters and the Covenant of the Waters. Founded the Sanctuary of Hekate Thethys Krataiis which published the First Devotional Guide on the Goddess Hekate in Spanish. Head of the Granada Goddess Temple in Granada, Spain.


Priestess Hierophant of the Fellowship of Isis. She holds the House of Love and Thunder, Iseum of the Power of the Heart and the House of the Fountain of Life, Lyceum of the Waters of Fire in Granada.


Archdruidess of the Clan of Dana of the Fellowship of Isis she holds the Grove of Excalibur and the Lady of the Lake in Granada. Dame Commander f the NOT of the FOI also, she holds the Priory of the Universal Waters in Granada. The First Priory of the FOI in Spain. 


Member of Grove of Dana and Druid Network. Member of the Lyceum Domus Sophiae Terrae et Sanctae Gradalis founded by Caitlin and John Matthews. Co-founder of the Temple of Hathor and creator of the Hathor © Priesthood. Ness is the Publisher of the Magazines: AQVAE and is a regular contributor to Ser Pagano magazine. Professor of Crystal Therapy and Crystal Alchemy. Holistic Therapist, Master in Reiki Usui - Tibetan, Magnified Healing Teacher and other healing modalities.


She Organized the Online International Symposium of the FOI - Fellowship of Isis in Spring '18. 


At the present time she is sharing her teaching and workshops all over Europe as well as working in 3 Publishing Projects, a Book on Shamanism, another on Hekate and Oracle. 




Formadora en Los Misterios Chamanicos de lo Femenino del Clan de la Huesera© y del Clan de los Hijos del Trueno: Misterios Chamanicos de lo Masculino©. Formadora en Técnicas de Sanación Chamánicas en el Camino de la Luna y Medicina Chamánica Arcoíris. Seguidora del Camino Rojo Tradicional por varios años, es Danzante del Sol, Portadora de Canunpa (Pipa Sagrada) y Guardiana de Cuerno de Búfalo. Fundadora de la Escuela de Medicina Chamánica Arcoíris.


Bruja, Sacerdotisa del Mar, Fundadora y Cabeza del Templo de las Aguas y del Covenant of the Waters – Coven de las Aguas. Fundadora del Santuario de Hekate Thethys Krataiis el cual Editó la Primera Guia Devocional sobre la Diosa Hekate en Español. Cabeza del Templo de la Diosa de Granada.


Sacerdotisa Hierofante de la Fellowship of Isis. Cabeza de La Casa del Amor y el Trueno, Iseum del Poder del Corazón y La casa de la Fuente de la Vida, Lyceum de las Aguas de Fuego en Granada. 


Archidruida del Clan of Dana de la Fellowship of Isis, sostiene la Arboleda de Excalibur y la Dama del Lago en Granada. Dama Comandante del la NOT de la FOI, sostiene el Priorato de las Aguas Universales, el primero de la FOI en España. 


Miembro del Grove of Dana y del Druid Network. Miembro del Lyceum Domus Sophiae Terrae et Sanctae Gradalis fundado por Caitlin y John Matthews. Cofundadora del Temple of Hathor y creadora del Sacerdocio de Hathor©. Editora de la Revistas: AQVAE y Colaboradora habitual de la Revista Ser Pagano.


Profesora de Cristaloterapia y Alquimia Cristal. Terapeuta Holística, Maestría en Reiki Usui – Tibetano, Maestra de Magnified Healing y otras modalidades.  


Organizó el symposium internacional Online de la FOI - Fellowship of Isis


En la Actualidad se encuentra compartiendo sus enseñanzas y formaciones por diferentes Países de Europa y preparando 3 Proyectos, un Libro sobre Chamanismo, otro sobre Hekate y un Oráculo.




Yeshe Matthews 


A goddess devotee, dharma practitioner, and licensed minister ordained and initiated in several different mystery traditions.


She serves as the Priestess of the Mt Shasta Goddess Temple, connecting with spiritual pilgrims and goddess devotees worldwide with online and in-person classes, ceremonies, and retreats.


Yeshe has dedicated her life to sacred healing practices and the ways of the divine feminine. With a Master's degree in Women's History, she has studied women's mysticism, shamanism, and matriarchal communities for over twenty years.


She brings more than a decade of service as a Priestess and soul guide to the Mt Shasta Goddess Temple. You can learn more about the Mt Shasta Goddess Temple in its website and you can visit Yeshe's online shop, The Sacred Well.




Laura Gonzalez


is a resident Bruja and professional Tarotologist. Originally from Mexico, Laura came to the United States over 19 years ago, moving to the Chicago area, where she has built a loyal fan base among both Pagans and local community members. 


Born in Mexico City, she is a practitioner of traditional Mexican folk magic, Native Philosophies, North American Paganism, and the Goddess Tradition. 


A natural-born witch and psychic, Laura discovered her abilities at very early age, sometimes at the apprehension of those around her. In addition to her work as a natural psychic and Tarotologist, she also does consulting with a variety of deck types, including Spanish cards and Oracle deck cards.


A Bruja in tune with the cycles of nature and the magic within, she is always willing to help those in need. Laura is a dedicated community activist, advocating for Pagan, LGBTQIA, and women’s rights. She has passionately worked towards suicide prevention, supporting such organizations as The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and participating in their Out of the Darkness walks. 


Laura is co-editor of the e-zine, El Caldero (en Español), and the founder of Boletin Pagano en Español, a meeting place for Spanish-speaking Pagans. Her writings have been featured in El Caldero and Circle Sanctuary Magazine. Laura is an influential leader in the Latin American Pagan community; she facilitates open discussions, and teaches Spanish-speakers Pagan theory and practice across four continents. 


Laura has presented workshops privately and publicly at such events as Chicago Pagan Pride, Fort Wayne Pagan Pride, St. Louis Pagan Picnic, Circle Sanctuary, and Pagan Spirit Gathering. Ms. Gonzalez has been featured in several popular Pagan podcasts and radio shows, and has also served as a guest presenter on Saber Sanar and Pagans Tonight Radio Network. She also has her own popular Spanish-English weekly podcast, Lunatic Mondays - Lunes Lunáticos on Pagans Tonight Radio Network. 


In 2017, Laura began the Ministers in Training Program at Circle Sanctuary. In 2018, she was given the title of Priestess of the Goddess from the Goddess Fraternity (Fraternidad de la Diosa) with Christian Ortiz.